
Why Do My Pores Look So Big With Makeup: The Top 5 Factors Explained

Why Do My Pores Look Bigger With Makeup

One of the common source of frustration among makeup enthusiasts is the apparent enlargement of pores when makeup is applied. This phenomenon can be quite discouraging, as makeup is typically used to achieve a smooth and flawless complexion. Understanding why your pores may appear larger when wearing makeup is crucial in finding effective solutions to reduce their visibility while still enjoying your makeup routine. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this issue and provide practical tips to mitigate it.

Why Do My Pores Look So Big With Makeup?

Why Do My Pores Look So Big With Makeup

1. Product Choice

The primary and most pivotal factor contributing to the appearance of enlarged pores is the type of makeup products you use. Some makeup products, such as certain primers and foundations, may contain ingredients that can settle into and emphasize your pores. Oil-based, heavy products are more likely to stretch and clog your pores, making them look more prominent.

Solution: Choose makeup products that are labeled as “non-comedogenic” or “oil-free.” These products are formulated to minimize pore-clogging and are less likely to accentuate your pores. Additionally, Consider incorporating a silicone-based primer to create a smoother surface for makeup application.

2. Lack of Skincare

Ignoring your skincare routine can result in the enlargement of pores becoming more noticeable when wearing makeup. When your skin is not adequately exfoliated, cleansed, and moisturized, it can become congested with excess oil and dead skin cells, making pores more visible.

Solution: Prioritize a skincare routine that includes exfoliating, cleansing, and moisturizing. Regular exfoliation can help unclog pores and remove dead skin cells, leading to a smoother canvas for makeup application. Ensure you incorporate a gentle exfoliator suitable for your skin type.

3. Application Techniques

The way you apply your makeup can also influence the appearance of your pores. Failing to blend makeup properly or using heavy-handed techniques can result in an uneven application, making pores more noticeable. For example, applying makeup with your fingers can push the product into your pores rather than allowing it to sit on top of your skin.

Solution: Learn proper makeup application techniques and invest in high-quality makeup brushes or sponges. Ensure thorough blending of your makeup, and use a gentle touch to avoid pushing makeup into your pores. Additionally, refrain from excessive layering of makeup products, as this can exacerbate the issue.

4. Incorrect Makeup Shade

Selecting an inappropriate shade of makeup can also make your pores more noticeable. If your concealer or foundation is too dark or too light for your skin tone, it can create a stark contrast, drawing attention to imperfections, including pores.

Solution: Always opt for makeup shades that closely match your skin tone. Consider seeking professional guidance to determine your ideal shade if you are uncertain. Test the product on your jawline to ensure a seamless blend with your natural skin tone.

5. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity, can influence how your makeup sits on your skin. Elevated humidity levels can cause makeup to melt and settle into pores, while dry conditions may lead to makeup clinging to dry patches and pores.

Solution: Adjust your makeup routine according to the prevailing weather conditions. Opt for a mattifying primer in humid climates to control excess oil, and apply a hydrating primer in dry conditions to retain skin moisture. Blotting papers can also serve as a convenient choice for touch-ups during the day.

What makeup techniques can I use to reduce the appearance of large pores?

To diminish the visibility of enlarged pores, you can use the following makeup techniques:

  • Primer: Use a pore-minimizing primer before your foundation to create a smoother surface.
  • Foundation: Use an oil-free or matte foundation to reduce shine and blur the appearance of pores.
  • Powder: Set your makeup using a translucent setting powder to diminish shine and keep pores less noticeable.
  • Blotting papers: Make sure to have blotting papers with you to soak up excess oil throughout the day, which can make pores appear larger.
  • Avoid heavy products: Use non-comedogenic, lightweight makeup to prevent clogging pores and exacerbating the issue.


Are there specific makeup products for making pores look smaller?

Yes, there are specialized makeup products formulated to make pores look smaller, such as pore-minimizing primers and foundations labeled as “pore-filling” or “blurring.”

Can makeup make my pores look smaller?

Yes, makeup can create the illusion of smaller pores temporarily by using certain techniques and products.

What ingredients in makeup should individuals with enlarged pores avoid?

Individuals with enlarged pores should avoid makeup products that contain comedogenic ingredients, heavy oils, and silicones like dimethicone. These ingredients can clog pores and make them appear larger. Look for oil-free and non-comedogenic makeup products to minimize the risk of exacerbating pore visibility.


While it can be disheartening to notice your pores appearing larger with makeup, implementing the right solutions and understanding the contributing factors can make a significant difference. Mastering proper application techniques, choosing the right products, maintaining a consistent skincare routine, adapting to environmental conditions, and selecting the correct makeup shades are key steps toward achieving a flawless makeup look that reduces the appearance of pores. With these strategies in mind, you can confidently improve your natural beauty and enjoy makeup without worrying about pore size.