
White Spots on Nails After Removing Polish and How to Treat Them

how to treat White Spots on Toenails After Removing Polish

Beautifully polished toenails are a source of personal grooming and a common fashion statement. However, it’s common to notice white spots on toenails after removing nail polish. While these spots might cause concern, they have various explanations and are typically harmless. In this article, we will delve into the possible causes of these spots and provide insight into when to seek professional advice.

Possible Causes

  1. Air Bubbles: Applying nail polish too quickly or in multiple layers can trap tiny air bubbles beneath the polish. As white spots once the polish is removed, these bubbles may appear, giving the illusion of a nail issue. Proper application can help reduce the occurrence of air bubbles.
  2. Trauma: Minor injuries to the nail bed can cause white spots. If you’ve accidentally hit or bumped your toenails, the trauma might cause a small separation between the nail bed and the nail. The white spot will eventually move outward towards the nail’s tip as the nail grows.
  3. Mineral Deficiency: Sometimes, white spots might result from minor mineral deficiencies, such as calcium and zinc. However, singular white spots are unlikely to be a significant indicator of a major deficiency. Considering supplementation if necessary and maintaining a balanced diet can help address this issue.
  4. Fungal Infection: Less commonly, fungal infections can also cause white spots on toenails. If you observe these spots alongside symptoms such as changes in shape, discoloration or nail thickening, it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist for a diagnosis and treatment plan.
  5. Allergic Reaction: Nail polish removers and nail polish can contain various ingredients and chemicals. Sensitivities or allergic reactions to these substances might lead to white spots to appear on the nails. If you suspect an allergic reaction, choosing hypoallergenic nail products could mitigate this issue.

How to Treat White Spots on Toenails After Removing Polish?

Treating White Spots on Toenails After Removing Polish

White spots on toenails, frequently called leukonychia, can be addressed after removing polish. They may result from fungal infections, minor trauma, or other factors.

  • Start by ensuring proper foot hygiene, keeping nails dry and clean.
  • Moisturize the cuticles and nails to promote healthy growth.
  • Avoid reapplying nail polish until the issue resolves.
  • Incorporate biotin-rich foods like nuts and eggs into your diet, as biotin supports nail health.
  • Apply an over-the-counter antifungal treatment if suspected fungal infection.
  • Refrain from excessive buffing or filing, as this can worsen the condition.

If spots persist or worsen, consult a dermatologist for a thorough diagnosis and special treatment plan. They might provide additional guidance based on the underlying cause or recommend prescription medications.

When to Seek Professional Advice

In most instances, white spots on toenails are harmless and they will naturally grow out as the nails continue to grow. However, certain situations warrant seeking professional advice:

  • Spreading or Discoloration: If the white spots change in color, spread, or are accompanied by other symptoms like inflammation, itching, or pain, it could indicate an underlying issue that requires medical attention.
  • Persistent Spots: If the white spots continue to appear even without nail polish or don’t disappear after a few months, it’s a good idea to see a healthcare professional. They can provide guidance and rule out underlying conditions.
  • Uncertainty: If you are not sure about the cause of the white spots or concerned about appearance of white spots, a dermatologist can provide a right diagnosis and recommend appropriate steps.


How to remove white spots on nails from polish?

To remove white spots on nails caused by polish, moisturize nails and cuticles, gently buff the surface, and avoid polish for a while. If the spots persist, see a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How to prevent white spots on nails from nail polish?

To prevent white spots from nail polish, apply a base coat before polish, avoid excessive filing, moisturize cuticles and nails regularly, and give nails polish-free breaks.

Are white spots on nails a common side effect of nail polish?

White spots on nails are not a common side effect of nail polish itself. They are more often caused by fungal infections, nutritional deficiencies, minor trauma, or underlying health issues. However, improper nail care, like harsh polish removal or excessive filing, can contribute to their formation.

Do certain nail polish ingredients cause white spots on nails?

Certain nail polish ingredients, such as formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate, and toluene, have been associated with potential nail damage, including the development of white spots. However, the direct correlation between white spots and these ingredients isn’t well-established. White spots on nails are typically caused by factors like fungal infections, trauma, or nutritional deficiencies rather than specific polish ingredients. Choosing nail polishes labeled as “5-free” or “3-free” (indicating the absence of certain potentially damaging chemicals) can promote overall nail health.

Are there remedies for getting rid of white spots caused by nail polish?

Giving nails polish-free intervals, moisturizing nails and cuticles, avoiding excessive filing, and gentle buffing can help fade white spots caused by nail polish.

Are white spots on nails a sign of nail polish allergy or sensitivity?

White spots on nails are ûsually not a sign of nail polish sensitivity or allergy. They are more commonly caused by nutritional deficiencies, trauma, fungal infections, or other factors.

Can improper nail polish application lead to the formation of white spots on nails?

Yes. Improper nail polish application, such as excessive filing or harsh removal, can potentially lead to the formation of white spots on nails.

Are there specific base coats that help prevent white spots when using nail polish?

No specific base coats are guaranteed to prevent white spots when using nail polish, but quality base coats can help protect nails.

Are white spots on nails reversible after using nail polish?

White spots on nails caused by non-serious factors or trauma are usually reversible with proper nail care and growth.

Are there ways to cover up white spots on nails caused by nail polish?

Yes, you can cover up white spots caused by nail polish by using a nail buffer to smooth the surface or applying another coat of nail polish.


White spots on toenails after removing nail polish are a common occurrence with several explanations. While they can sometimes be a result of minor mineral deficiencies, air bubbles, trauma, or even allergic reactions, it’s vital to pay attention to any concerning or persistent changes in your nails. If you notice any unusual symptoms or you are uncertain, consulting a healthcare professional can ensure the health of your nails. Remember that using quality products and maintaining good nail care practices can help promote overall nail health and prevent these spots.