
6 Reasons You Think About Other Girls Sexually Instead of Your Girlfriend When Drunk

I find myself attracted to other women when I'm intoxicated. Does this have any significance for my relationship

Thinking about other people in a sexual way while you’re in a relationship can be a complex issue, especially when alcohol is involved. Thinking about other girls sexually when you’re drunk can stem from alcohol’s impact on the brain. Alcohol lowers inhibitions and increases impulsivity, often leading to thoughts or behaviors that might not occur when sober. This doesn’t necessarily indicate dissatisfaction with your relationship; rather, it’s a common effect of alcohol heightening sexual desires and reducing self-control. Additionally, humans naturally experience attraction to others, and such thoughts can be a normal part of sexuality. However, if these thoughts cause discomfort or occur frequently, it may be worth reflecting on your relationship’s dynamics and considering communication with your partner or professional guidance. Reducing alcohol consumption can also help maintain better control over your thoughts and actions. Here, we will explore why this might happen, what it could mean, and how to address it.

What does it mean when I think about other girls instead of my girlfriend sexually when I’m drunk?

What does it mean when i think about other girls instead of my girlfriend sexually when i'm drunk

Understanding the Impact of Alcohol on the Brain and Psychological and Emotional Factors

  1. Lowered Inhibitions: Alcohol significantly impacts the brain’s prefrontal cortex, which plays a crucial role in decision-making and regulating social behavior. When alcohol lowers inhibitions, it diminishes the ability to control impulses and make rational decisions. This effect can result in thoughts or behaviors that are out of character or would typically be suppressed when sober. Consequently, people might find themselves entertaining thoughts or engaging in actions that they would usually avoid, including having sexual thoughts about others.
  2. Increased Libido: Alcohol can greatly increase sexual desire, making individuals more likely to focus on sexual thoughts. The consumption of alcohol can heighten libido, leading to an intensified awareness of sexual stimuli. This increased sexual arousal can cause individuals to direct their attention towards various sexual cues, including those involving people other than their partner. The effect of alcohol on libido can amplify one’s responsiveness to attractive individuals, resulting in a shift of focus away from their committed relationship and towards other potential sexual interests. Consequently, this can lead to feelings of confusion or guilt, as the heightened sexual desire triggered by alcohol creates a conflict between one’s actions while intoxicated and their usual sober behavior.
  3. Impulsive Behavior: Alcohol consumption increases impulsivity, leading to actions driven by urges or thoughts without regard for consequences. This heightened impulsiveness can result in reckless behavior and poor decision-making, as individuals are less likely to consider the potential outcomes of their actions while under the influence
  4. Natural Attraction: Humans are naturally drawn to one another, and thinking about others in a sexual manner is a common and natural aspect of human experience. Such thoughts do not necessarily reflect dissatisfaction with a current partner. Instead, they can be viewed as a normal part of human sexuality, illustrating the complexity and diversity of our desires and imaginations. It’s important to recognize that these thoughts are a typical part of human nature and do not inherently threaten the strength or satisfaction of a committed relationship. Embracing this understanding can foster healthier attitudes towards sexuality and relationships.
  5. Relationship Satisfaction: Occasionally, fantasizing about others may indicate unmet needs or desires within a relationship. It’s crucial to evaluate the overall satisfaction and fulfillment you feel in your relationship. Take time to reflect on whether these fantasies are highlighting specific areas where you may feel lacking or unsatisfied. Open and honest communication with your partner about these issues is essential. Discussing your needs and desires can help address any underlying concerns and strengthen the connection between you. By working together to understand and resolve these feelings, you can enhance the overall quality and satisfaction of your relationship.
  6. Fantasy vs. Reality: It’s important to distinguish between fantasizing about someone and having intentions to act on those fantasies. Fantasies serve as a safe and private avenue for individuals to explore diverse facets of their sexuality. Engaging in fantasies does not necessarily indicate a desire to cheat or jeopardize the relationship’s integrity. These imaginative scenarios allow individuals to delve into their desires and curiosities, often enhancing self-awareness and understanding. By acknowledging this distinction, individuals can maintain trust and fidelity within their relationships while embracing the complexity of human sexual expression. This awareness encourages healthy communication and mutual respect between partners, fostering a secure and fulfilling emotional connection.

Addressing the Issue

  1. Self-Reflection:
    • Reflect on why these thoughts are occurring. Is it purely the effect of alcohol, or are there underlying issues in the relationship that need addressing?
    • Consider how you feel about these thoughts when sober and what they might signify about your relationship.
  2. Communication with Your Partner:
    • Open and honest communication with your partner can help address any concerns or insecurities.
    • It’s important to approach this conversation sensitively, focusing on your feelings and experiences rather than placing blame.
  3. Setting Boundaries:
    • Discuss and set boundaries regarding what is acceptable in the relationship.
    • Establishing clear boundaries can help both partners feel secure and respected.
  4. Reducing Alcohol Consumption:
    • If alcohol consistently leads to thoughts or behaviors that make you uncomfortable, consider reducing your intake.
    • Monitoring and moderating alcohol consumption can help maintain better control over your actions and thoughts.
  5. Seeking Professional Help:
    • If these thoughts are distressing or indicative of deeper issues, seeking advice from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial.
    • A professional can help explore underlying issues and offer strategies to cope with these thoughts.


Thinking about other girls sexually when you’re drunk doesn’t necessarily mean there is something wrong with your relationship, but it can be a signal to reflect on your needs and desires. Alcohol can amplify natural attractions and lower inhibitions, leading to thoughts that might not align with your sober intentions. By reflecting on these thoughts, communicating with your partner, setting boundaries, and possibly reducing alcohol consumption, you can navigate these feelings in a healthy way. If needed, professional guidance can provide additional support. Understanding and addressing these thoughts can ultimately contribute to a stronger, more transparent relationship.