
Side Effects of Using Clove Water on Hair

clove water for hair side effects

Clove water, derived from cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), has been gaining lots of popularity as a natural remedy for various hair-related issues. Rich in essential antioxidants and nutrients, clove water is believed to prevent hair loss, stimulate hair growth, and improve overall hair health. While many people have experienced positive results, it’s essential to be aware of possible side effects to ensure safe usage. In this article, we will address any possible adverse effects of clove water for hair and explore the benefits.

Potential Side Effects of Clove Water on Hair

Side Effects of Using Clove Water on Hair

While clove water can offer several benefits to your hair, it is crucial to be aware of potential side effects:

  1. Dryness: Using clove water too frequently or excessive use of it may lead to dryness in the scalp and hair. To avoid this, limit its usage to once or twice a week.
  2. Scalp Irritation: Some people may experience allergic reactions or mild irritation to clove water. Before using clove water on your entire scalp, conduct a patch test on a section of your skin to check for any adverse reactions.
  3. Overstimulation of Hair Follicles: While clove water can stimulate hair growth, excessive use might cause overstimulation of hair follicles, causing unwanted hair growth in certain areas.
  4. Color Changes: Due to its natural colorant properties, clove water may slightly darken light-colored hair. If you have light-colored or blonde hair, be careful while using clove water.
  5. Not Suitable for Certain Scalp Issues: If you have specific scalp conditions or sensitive skin, such as a severe scalp inflammation or open wound, consult a dermatologist before using clove water.
  6. Eye Irritation: Try not to let clove water come in contact with your eyes, as it can cause discomfort and irritation.

Safety Precautions

  • Moderation: To prevent any potential side effects, use clove water in moderation, preferably once or twice a week.
  • Dilute: To avoid excessive dryness, dilute clove water with normal water before applying it to your scalp.
  • Patch Test: Always do a patch test before applying clove water to your hair or scalp. Apply a small amount of the solution to a discreet area and wait for one day to check for any irritation or allergic reactions.
  • Avoid Eye Contact: Be careful while using clove water around the eye area to prevent irritation.

Benefits of Clove Water for Hair

using clove water on hair

  • Strengthens Hair: Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, clove water helps strengthen the hair shafts, preventing split ends and reducing breakage.
  • Stimulates Hair Growth: Clove water is famous for its ability to promote hair growth and stimulate hair follicles. The eugenol compound present in cloves enhances blood circulation to the scalp, encouraging new hair growth and nourishing the hair follicles.
  • Prevents Hair Loss: Clove water’s ability to strengthen hair strands and improve blood circulation to the scalp can help promote healthier hair growth and prevent hair loss.
  • Improves Scalp Health: The anti-inflammatory properties of clove water help reduce itchiness and soothe an irritated scalp. It can also alleviate conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
  • Antifungal and Antibacterial Properties: Clove water possesses natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it effective in combating dandruff and scalp infections.
  • Adds Luster and Shine: Regular use of clove water can improve the natural shine of your hair, giving it a radiant and healthy appearance.
  • Natural Hair Conditioner: Clove water acts as a natural hair conditioner, leaving the hair soft, smooth, and manageable.

How to Prepare Clove Water?

Creating clove water is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons of whole cloves


  1. In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil.
  2. Add the cloves to the boiling water and let it simmer for about ten to fifteen minutes.
  3. Turn off the heat and then let the mixture cool down.
  4. Strain the clove-infused water into a container, discarding the cloves.

In conclusion, clove water can be a beneficial natural remedy for several hair-related issues, offering benefits such as improved scalp health, hair growth stimulation, and stronger hair strands. However, as with any natural product, it is crucial to use it with caution and do a patch test before incorporating it into your hair care routine. If you experience any adverse reactions, consult a dermatologist and discontinue use immediately. With proper usage, clove water can be a valuable remedy to your hair care regimen, enhancing the appearance of your hair and health.