
Scabby Ombre Brows Healing Stages

Healing Stages of Scabby Ombre Brows

Ombre brows have become popular in recent years due to their ability to create a natural-looking, soft, and long-lasting effect. However, undergoing any cosmetic procedure requires a thorough understanding of the healing process to ensure good aftercare and successful results, including ombre brows. This article aims to guide you through the healing stages of scabby ombre brows, providing important insights into what to expect during the recovery period.

Scabby Ombre Brows Healing Stages

Scabby Ombre Brows Healing Stages

Stage 1: Immediate Post-Procedure

Immediately after getting scabby ombre brows, your brows will appear more defined and darker than the desired outcome. This is quite normal as the initial scabbing begins and the pigment settles. The color intensity will fade during the healing process, so it is very important to be patient and not panic in this phase.

Stage 2: Formation of Scabs

Around 24 to 72 hours post-procedure, scabbing will start to form. This is a vital stage where the pigment settles into the deeper layers and the skin heals. The scabs may appear uneven and darker at times, but remember that it’s part of the healing process. Avoid scratching or picking the scabs, as doing so can lead to pigment loss and affect the final result.

Stage 3: Itching and Peeling

Between days 3 to 10, you may experience peeling and itching around the eyebrow area. As the scabs start to flake off, the temptation to scratch may arise. However, avoid from scratching, as it can lead to complications and disrupt the healing process. Instead of this, gently dab the area with a damp, clean cloth to alleviate the itching.

Stage 4: Fading and Lightening

Around the second week, you may realise that the color of your ombre brows starts to lighten and fade. Don’t be alarmed; this is quite normal. As the skin continues to heal, the pigment will become less intense and the outermost layer will slough off. Your brows may appear patchy in this stage, but the final outcome will be more natural-looking.

Stage 5: Settling of Pigment

Between weeks 3 to 4, the pigment will increasingly settle into the skin’s deeper layers. Your ombre brows will begin to look more refined and softer during this stage. It is crucial to continue following the aftercare instructions provided by your technician to ensure prolong the longevity of your results and optimal healing.

Stage 6: Touch-Up Session

Around 4 to 6 weeks after the initial procedure, with your technician, you’ll have a touch-up session. This session is vital to fine-tune the color, density, and shape of your ombre brows. It allows the technician to address any areas where the pigment may not have taken as well and perfect the overall look. Follow your technician’s advice on scheduling and preparing for the touch-up session.

Stage 7: Long-Term Results

After the touch-up session, your ombre brows should have settled into their final appearance and fully healed. With maintenance and proper care, the results can last anywhere from one to three years, depending on individual factors such as sun exposure, lifestyle and skin type. Regular touch-ups are recommended to maintain the longevity and vibrancy of your ombre brows.

Important Aftercare Tips

scabby ombre brows Important Aftercare Tips for

Proper aftercare plays a vital role in ensuring successful healing and long-lasting results. Here are some important aftercare tips for scabby ombre brows:

  • Refrain from scratching or picking: Do not scratch or pick at the scabs, as this can lead to scarring and pigment loss.
  • Keep the area clean: Gently clean the eyebrow area with a fragrance-free, mild cleanser and water twice a day. Avoid rubbing the area vigorously or using harsh soaps.
  • Avoid creams and makeup: Refrain from using creams or makeup on the treated area until it is fully healed.
  • Avoid moisture: Try to keep the scabby ombre brows as dry as possible during the initial healing period. Avoid hot baths, saunas, swimming, or any activities that may cause excessive sweating.
  • Protect from the sun: Avoid prolonged or direct sun exposure and use sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) or wear a hat when outdoors to protect your ombre brows from fading.
  • Be patient: The healing process will take time, and the final outcome will not be apparent immediately. Be patient and let your brows to heal naturally.


Scabby ombre brows are a fantastic way to achieve defined and beautifully shaped eyebrows. Following the appropriate aftercare instructions and understanding the healing stages are critical for achieving optimal results. Remember that each individual’s healing process may vary slightly, but with proper care and patience, you can enjoy stunning, long-lasting ombre brows that enhance your natural beauty. Always consult with a experienced and certified technician to ensure a successful and safe ombre brow experience.