
Moroccan Red Clay Mask Benefits for Skin and Hair

Benefits of Moroccan Red Clay Mask for Skin and Hair

If you are into beauty and beauty products, you have heard of clay masks and their unique benefits to your skin. Chances are you might have even gotten a clay mask at one point or another. But if you are asked to explain what a clay mask is, you might be at a loss for words. Here are a couple of things you should know about the clay mask and an in-depth look into Moroccan red clay masks and their excellent benefits.

What is a clay mask?

In simple terms, a clay mask comes from the soil of weathered rocks. Even though rocks stay in their complex form for years, years under the harsh elements make them disintegrate. While weathered or beat-down items are shunned in other areas, withered rocks come with a myriad of perks. Once the rocks have weathered, they get oxidized, which turns them into red clay. One of these red clays is Moroccan red clay. As the name suggests, it is red clay from Morocco. The mask has been used for a long time due to its unique features. Here are some of the many benefits of the Moroccan red clay mask.

Moroccan Red Clay Mask: 9 Benefits for Skin and Hair

Hair and Skin Benefits of Moroccan Red Clay Mask

1. Exfoliates dead skin

One of the most significant benefits of Moroccan is that it can be used to exfoliate the skin. The clay has a mild abrasion to it, which comes in handy when you scrub it in. it helps get rid of any dead skin on you and leaves you with smoother skin in the long run.

2. It cleans and opens up your pores.

In our day-to-day life, we tend to sweat and secrete oils that block up our pores. After a while, these blocked pores might either for into blackheads or lead to a bad case of acne. Using Moroccan red clay helps deal with this issue. Adding argan oil or rose water to the clay will create a mask. Applying this mask helps pull out the impurities and leave your pores open. People who have used it have admitted that it helps remove blackheads and leaves them with an even skin tone.

3. Detoxifies the body

As you move around, you tend to get many things in your body that are not washed out through your bloodstream. It is these things that add to the acne on your skin or the uneven skin tone. Sitting in a bath with the clay mixture with some bath salts can help draw these toxins out of your body. You might have to do this a couple more times, but the results will be worth it in the end.

4. Softens your skin

Areas like the elbows and knees end to get rough and bumpy after a while. Using the clay masks helps soften these areas. The exfoliating properties will help get rid of any bumps and ensure your skin feels ad looks soft.

5. Fights dandruff

If there is one thing many people struggle with, it has to be dandruff. Using the clay masks on your scalp can help get rid of dead skin cells on your scalp, which in turn get rid of dandruff. It also helps to hydrate your skin, so you do not have any more dandruff after using it.

6. Removes products build up to form your hair

If nothing leads to unhealthy hair, it has to be product buildup in the hair. People often tend to get a lot of products in their hair that they cannot wash up properly. With the clay masks, you can be sure that they will strip away all the different products in the hair, and you can get a clean wash. It does this without getting rid of all the essential oils your hair needs so you can rest easy, knowing that your hair stays clean and healthy at the same time.

7. Cleanses the body

Most people think that the clay mask can only be used at the spa. While you get the benefits of it better this way, there is a lot more you can reap from it if you take a bath with it. All you have to do is create a paste with the clay and apply it to your body. You can lightly exfoliate before lathering up and shower as usual. Including this in your daily routine is bound to give you a better glow and clearer skin.

8. It can be used as a dry shampoo.

Hair washdays can be a hassle, especially if you are running late and have no time. The Moroccan red clay helps take care of this. With its porous nature, all you need to do is add a tablespoon of cornstarch and sprinkle it into your hair, and you are good to go. Your hair will stay fresh for longer.

9. Use as makeup

Another fantastic feature of Moroccan clay is it can be used as a foundation or bronzer. All you need to do is add a base to it and some bentonite clay. The clay comes in different shades, so pick one that matches your skin best. You can also use it as a bronzer once you are done with your makeup. You get to look good while reaping the benefits of the clay at the same time. Ensure you use it sparingly, mainly when you use it as a bronzer to give you a more natural effect.

Moroccan red clay has been in use for a while now, and many people can see its numerous benefits. If you are looking for a skin product that is not only good for the face but your entire body, get yourself a Moroccan red clay mask. You will reap the benefits tenfold. If you are skeptical about it, then size it in a spa first. See the difference after your treatment before you decide to buy it for home use.  You can also get it in smaller quantities before you commit. Chances are you will be shopping for more clay because the results are worth it.