
Olive Oil Coconut Oil and Castor Oil For Hair Growth

hair care Olive Oil Coconut Oil And Castor Oil Mix

These oils together are an ideal solution for dull and exhausting hair as all joined together gives you natural sustenance; fixes harmed hair alongside a sparkly and plush coat. When you mix every one of the oils together, you should ensure you utilize lesser castor oil, since it is thicker oil contrasted with the almond, olive and coconut oils.

So on the off chance that you utilize one cup olive, coconut and almond, at that point utilize simply a large portion of a cup of castor.

You can also include a couple drops of rosemary oil or lavender oil to add a decent smell to the oils. The best part is, when you make it, you can store it for a considerable length of time and continue utilizing it when you like.

Mixing Castor Oil, Coconut Oil and Olive Oil for Hair Growth

Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, and Olive Oil for Hair Growth and hair loss

This mixture can be quite effective for hair loss and hair growth.


  • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Castor oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Liquid coconut oil – 1 tablespoons

How to apply

  • In a bowl, combine olive oil, castor oil and coconut oil.
  • Apply the mixture to your hair.
  • Massage your scalp for a five minutes or longer.
  • Put on a shower cap.
  • Keep the mask on your hair for a couple of hours.
  • Wash it off.
  • You can also leave it on overnight.
  • You can do this once or twice a week for two to three months.

Why coconut oil?

coconut oil

Individuals with hair care schedules that include coconut oil have healthy, thick hair. Coconut oil enters the hair shaft, fixing it and keeping it from losing dampness. This guarantees the hair remains thick and solid. The oil contains lauric acid, which acts against diseases of the scalp by battling microscopic organisms, parasites and infections.

To avert dandruff and scalp disease, knead a little warm coconut oil on your scalp each day to saturate it. Simultaneously, rub a bigger amount of the equivalent on your hair once per week. When you apply it, leave it on for an hour at that point cleanser it while guaranteeing you don’t wash out the oil with the goal that it is held to saturate the hair.

Why olive oil?

olive oil

Olive oil is useful for cooking and for skin and hair care. It contains a few properties that are gainful for the hair growth. At the point when applied on the hair, it infiltrates the hair shaft far superior to different oils do. Aside from saturating the hair, it is likewise an incredible hair conditioner.

The additional virgin assortment has nutrient E and mono unsaturated fats that advance hair development. Back rub some warm olive oil into your scalp and hair and leave it on for about 60 minutes. Wash it with a mellow cleanser to guarantee you don’t strip it of the oil.

Why castor oil?

castor oil

Castor oil is gotten from castor seeds and has verifiably been utilized as a home-made diuretic. The oil can likewise to prevent hair from falling. It has hostile to bacterial and against contagious properties that ensure hair against dandruff and scalp contaminations. It additionally contains ricinoleic acid which upgrades the course of blood to the scalp consequently improving improve hair development.

At the point when applied on the hair, its hair-development advancing properties guarantee the hair doesn’t thin. Just knead the oil on your scalp guaranteeing it spreads equally on the hair strands. Enable it to remain on the hair for an hour at that point cleanser. Castor oil can be very thick so don’t hesitate to mix it with a little coconut or olive oil to help it.