
Lip Blush Healing Process: A Day-by-Day Journey to Beautiful Lips

The Lip Blush Healing Process Day by Day

If you’ve recently had a lip blush treatment, you’re on your way to having beautifully enhanced and semi-permanent lip color. However, it’s essential to understand that the healing process can be quite unpredictable, with daily fluctuations in progress. In this post, we’ll take you through the lip blush healing process, providing you with a detailed overview of what you can anticipate during the initial 30-day period. Understanding the blush healing process day by day can assist individuals better cope with this common occurrence and gain insight into the body’s remarkable ability to recover.

The Lip Blush Healing Process: A Day-by-Day Journey to Beautiful Lips

Day by Day Lip Blush Healing Process

The day-by-day lip blush healing process involves a gradual evolution, where color settles, contours refine, and radiance blooms, promising a perfect pout.

Day 1-3: The Immediate Aftermath

Right after your lip blush procedure, it’s probable that your lips will look significantly different than what you had imagined. They will be swollen, and the color will appear considerably darker than your desired result. You may also experience some tenderness and discomfort. Don’t worry; this is entirely normal. It’s vital during this initial phase to refrain from touching or attempting to pick at your lips. Ensure they stay clean, and follow any specific post-procedure care instructions given by your technician.

Day 4-7: Signs of Healing

As you move into the second half of the first week, you’ll begin to observe certain changes. The swelling and tenderness will gradually diminish. However, your lips may begin to peel or develop scabs as they heal. It’s essential to keep in mind not to pick or peel these scabs, as doing so can negatively impact the final outcome. Keep your lips clean and moisturized as instructed by your technician.

Day 8-14: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

By the end of the second week, you should generally experience a higher level of comfort. Most of the scabs and peeling will have disappeared, unveiling a lighter tone than you initially observed. This is because the pigment is still settling. Continue to consistently apply lip moisturizer and protect them from direct sunlight to prevent fading.

Day 15-30: Final Stages of Healing

In the third and fourth weeks, your lips will continue to heal and adapt to their final color and shape. Some individuals might discover the need for a touch-up appointment during this period to ensure that their desired shade and lip shape are achieved. Don’t be concerned if you experience minor fluctuations in color during this time; it’s all part of the healing process.

Day 30 Onwards: Enjoying the Results

At this point, you should have fully healed lips, featuring a consistent and beautifully enhanced color. Now, you can relish your semi-permanent lip blush with minimal maintenance. However, remember that the duration of your results depends on various factors, including lifestyle, your skin type, and exposure to the sun.

Remember to always follow any post-procedure care guidelines provided by your technician, as they will play a significant role in achieving optimal results and minimizing the risk of complications. If you have any concerns or questions throughout the healing process, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your technician or a healthcare professional for guidance.


How long does it take for lip blush to heal?

Lip blush usually requires approximately 1 to 2 weeks for complete healing, with initial swelling and scabbing subsiding within a few days after the procedure.

Do different techniques impact the healing of lip blush differently?

Yes, different lip blush techniques, such as machine shading and microblading, can impact the healing process and final results differently. Each technique may necessitate tailored aftercare procedures and may affect color retention and healing duration differently.

What are common concerns during the healing phase of lip blush?

Common concerns during the healing phase of lip blush include scabbing, dryness, swelling, color fading, and potential touch-up needs.

Are there any products that aid in the healing of lip blush tattoos?

Yes, there are products like ointments ôr lip balms recommended by professionals that can aid in the healing of lip blush tattoos.

What should I expect during the first few days of lip blush healing?

In the initial days of the lip blush healing process, you can expect tenderness, swelling, and potential scabbing as the skin begins to recover from the procedure.

What are the signs of a successful lip blush healing process?

Signs of a successful lip blush healing process include minimal scarring, even color retention,^and the absence of infection or complications.

How does the color of lip blush change during the healing process?

The color of lip blush typically appears darker initially but lightens as the healing process progresses, ultimately achieving the desired shade.

What are the do’s and don’ts for proper lip blush healing?

  • Do’s: Keep lips moisturized, avoid picking at scabs, follow aftercare instructions, use a straw for drinking, and apply sunscreen when exposed to the sun.
  • Don’ts: Avoid hot and spicy foods, swimming in chlorinated pools, excessive sun exposure, applying makeup on the treated area, and using alcohol-based products during the healing process.

What are the common challenges or issues that can arise during lip blush healing?

Typical difficulties or concerns that can arise during lip blush healing include:

  • Scabbing: Scabs may form as the treated area heals.
  • Swelling: Initial swelling is normal but can be uncomfortable.
  • Infection: If not properly cared for, infection is a risk.
  • Color Changes: The initial color may appear darker and then lighten.
  • Allergic Reactions: Certain individuals may be sensitive to the pigments used.
  • Uneven Healing: Color retention may vary across the lips.

To reduce the likelihood of these problems, follow aftercare instructions carefully and consult a professional if any concerns arise.

Do different skin types affect the way lip blush heals?

Yes, various skin types can influence the way lip blush heals, as skin tone and type may impact color retention and healing outcomes.

Are there any home remedies to help with lip blush healing?

While professional aftercare is essential for lip blush healing, you can also maintain lip health by avoiding sun exposure, staying hydrated, and consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Applying non-irritating, natural lip balm can also help keep lips moisturized during the healing process.

How long does it take for the color to fully heal after a lip blush treatment?

The color typically requires around 4 to 6 weeks to fully heal and stabilize following a lip blush treatment.

What should I consider before getting a lip blush?

Before getting a lip blush, consider factors like your desired color, healing time, potential discomfort during the procedure, aftercare commitment, and the expertise of the professional performing the treatment.

Is lip blush suitable for all skin types?

Lip blush is generally suits most skin types, but the outcome and healing process may be influenced by individual factors. Seek expert guidance to determine the best approach for your specific skin type and needs.

What are some popular lip blush color options?

Popular lip blush color options vary, but some common choices include mauves, natural pinks, corals, and soft reds. Ultimately, your selection should harmonize with your skin tone and individual tastes, and a professional can help you select the right shade.


In conclusion, the healing journey for lip blush typically spans about 30 days, with each day bringing you closer to your desired results. While the initial days may be a bit challenging due to dark pigmentation and swelling, patience and proper care will lead you to beautiful, semi-permanent lip color that you can relish for an extended period.