
Aloe Vera, Onion and Coconut Oil for Hair Growth

Onion and Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera mix for Hair Growth mask

Every girl wants her hair to grow faster. For it is the hair that makes up most of her beauty. It is the first thing people notice. And after a stressful time, such as a tough college year, hard exams, or even having a stressful job, all that can leave the hair to suffer, and lose its texture. The hair grows slower during stress and faces more damage and breakage. In this article, you will learn about aloe vera gel, onion juice, and coconut oil, how they are beneficial for the hair on their own and as a mixture.

Aloe vera is a cacti-like plant, which has many benefits, one of them is stimulating hair growth. It is flourished with antioxidants and antibacterials. Onion juice and coconut oil also contain antioxidants and antibacterials. Each one on its own is beneficial for the hair. But what if we combine all the forces in one mixture? This article will breakdown how to naturally get aloe vera gel, obtain onion juice, and extract the coconut oil.

Natural Aloe Vera Gel

aloe gel

To make your own aloe vera gel, purchase an aloe vera plant. Cut out one or two leaves. Take these leaves, over a bowl, and slice the outer layer with a sharp knife. Be cautious of the sharp edges, you may want to wear mittens or kitchen gloves while dealing with the leaf. Hold half of the cut aloe vera leaf, you will find yellowish-white paste or resin. Take a spoon and push it the resin out, or leave it to drain on its own. Beware that the resin should not touch your skin as it can irritate it. This is the natural aloe vera gel.

Getting Onion Juice


Now we come to the onion juice. Cut the two sides of an onion with a sharp knife, and then cut the onion in half. Remove the outer layers, and then dice the two halves. Leave the diced onion in a bowl overnight, and that will stream its natural juice out. On the next day, squeeze the diced onion for the rest of the juice to pour out.

Onion juice has several benefits, the antioxidant makes the hair grow longer. It is also rich in sulfur, which acts as a nutrient for hair follicles and decreases hair breakage.

It should be noted that onion juice should not be used as a treatment for any hair loss issues, such as alopecia.

Extracting Coconut Oil

coconut oil

We all know coconut oil. It is a component of most commercial shampoos and conditioners. Alone, it can be used for dandruff and dry hair scalp. It can prevent split-ends. You can purchase readily extracted coconut oil from stores, or you can make it by yourself.

Get a brown coconut, and split it in half. Using an ice-cream scoop, spoon out its components. Dice up the components or the ‘coconut meat’, and then blend it in a blender or a food processor.

This will obtain your coconut milk. The next step is to filter the milk using a coffee filter. Let the filtered milk rest for a whole day, at least 24 hours. This will make the oil and coconut meat separate. You can put the milk in the fridge to be able to scoop out the coconut meat easily. You will be left with the oil.

Aloe Vera Gel + Onion Juice + Coconut Oil for Hair Growth Mask

Mixing the aloe vera gel with the onion juice is remarkable. The gel acts as a stimulant for the hair growth, while the juice accelerates it. It can thicken your hair while softening it.

Onion juice mixed with coconut oil is also a great mixture. With the addition of coconut oil, the hair will soften even further, and be healthy, and shiny.

Now, the aloe vera gel with the coconut oil mixture is very beneficial. Your hair will strengthen and will smell great.

Now that you have all the components, mix them in a bowl, and put them in an easy-to-use container. Maybe an old shampoo container or a similar one bought from the store.

Apply the mixture to your hair at least 3 times per week, and 2 hours before washing your hair to let it sink into your scalp, and absorb the nutrients. It will take a while before you feel an actual difference, but with consistent use, you will see healthier longer hair.

As the mixture is natural without preservatives, you may want to make a batch that lasts you a week. Or, if you prefer, you can add powdered vitamin C or E to preserve the mixtures longer than a week. For every 60 ml mixture, add 500 mg of powder. With the added powdered vitamin, it can be preserved for about 2 months in the fridge. (source: Healthline)


With patience and consistency, you will see your hair grow faster. Aloe vera gel is a great, natural option to use on your hair. Also the same goes for the onion juice and coconut oil. They are rich in vitamins and natural minerals. Full of antioxidants and antibacterial. You should be able to restore your hair’s health and growth.

In addition to using the mixture, you should aim to have a better diet as well. Full of greens, rich in vitamins. The hair enriches from Vitamin D. A simple walk in the early morning with untied, uncovered hair, shall do it greatly as the morning sun is a great source for vitamin D.

You should also check with your healthcare provider if you find that you’re losing too much hair or if it is still growing slowly after using the mixture. You should also try to relax if you find yourself too stressed out, or talk with a professional therapist if you find yourself overwhelmed or unable to relax.