
Eyeliner Tattoo Gone Wrong: Causes, Solutions, and Precautions

tattooed eyeliner gone wrong

Eyeliner tattooing, also known as micro-pigmentation or permanent makeup, is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves applying semi-permanent ink along the lash line to create the appearance of defined eyeliner.

While many people have successful experiences with this procedure, some may encounter problems with their eyeliner tattoo, leaving them concerned and dissatisfied about their appearance.

In this article, we will explore the possible causes of an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong, potential solutions to address the problem, and precautions to consider before undergoing this popular cosmetic procedure.

Causes of an Eyeliner Tattoo Gone Wrong

Eyeliner Tattoo Gone Wrong Causes

  • Inexperienced or Unqualified Artist: The first cause of an eyeliner tattoo going wrong is an unqualified or inexperienced tattoo artist performing the procedure. Properly applying permanent makeup around the delicate eye area requires expertise and specialized skills. An unskilled artist may result in incorrect pigment placement, asymmetry, or uneven lines.
  • Incorrect Pigment Color: Selecting the wrong pigment color is another common issue. Using a pigment shade that is mismatched or too dark to the client’s natural skin tone can create an harsh or unnatural appearance.
  • Allergic Reactions: In the tattooing process, some people may develop some allergic reactions to the pigments or other components used. Allergies can cause swelling, itching, redness, or even more severe skin reactions.
  • Migration and Fading: Over time, tattoo pigments may spread or migrate outside the intended area, leading to an uneven appearance and blurred lines. Pigment fading is also a common occurrence, resulting in a less defined eyeliner.
  • Inadequate Aftercare: Proper aftercare is vital for the healing process of any cosmetic tattoo. Failure to follow the recommended aftercare can lead to fading, pigment loss, or infections.

Solutions for Correcting an Eyeliner Tattoo Gone Wrong

Correcting an Eyeliner Tattoo Gone Wrong

  • Consult a Professional: If you’re not happy with your eyeliner tattoo, the first step is to consult with the tattoo artist who did the procedure. A professional discussion can help identify the specific problems and explore potential solutions.
  • Seek Expert Advice: If your original artist is unable to address your concerns or if you’re not comfortable returning to them, seek advice from another qualified and experienced cosmetic tattoo artist. They can evaluate the situation and recommend possible correction options.
  • Wait for Healing: In some cases, problems with the eyeliner tattoo may enhance on their own as the pigment settles and the skin heals. It is important to be patient during the healing process and avoid jumping to conclusions too quickly.
  • Corrective Tattooing: In some cases, a trained and skilled cosmetic tattoo artist can perform corrective tattooing to adjust the symmetry, color, and shape of the eyeliner. However, it’s essential to do good research and choose the artist carefully.
  • Consider Tattoo Removal: For severe or persistent issues, laser tattoo removal may be an option. However, this should be performed by a trained and experienced professional in removing cosmetic tattoos. It’s crucial to understand that tattoo removal is a gradual process and may require several sessions.
  • Camouflage with Makeup: In the interim, you can correct the problematic areas of the tattoo or use makeup to conceal. Use hypoallergenic, gentle makeup products and avoid harsh rubbing to prevent further irritation.

Precautions Before Undergoing Eyeliner Tattooing

  • Research and Choose a Qualified Artist: Before getting an eyeliner tattoo, thoroughly research potential qualified tattoo artists. Look for their reviews, certifications, qualifications, and before-and-after portfolios. Ensure they are specifically skilled in eyeliner procedures and have expertise in cosmetic tattooing.
  • Consultations and Patch Tests: Before the procedure, schedule a consultation with the artist. Discuss your concerns, expectations, and any skin sensitivities or allergies you may have. Additionally, request to do a patch test to check for any adverse reactions to the pigments.
  • Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask the artist about the tattooing process, the expected healing time, the pigments they use and their experience. A professional artist will gladly address your concerns and answer your questions.
  • View Previous Work: Ask the artist to give you some information about their previous eyeliner tattoo work to ensure that their style aligns with your desired outcome.
  • Be Realistic: Have realistic expectations about the outcome. Eyeliner tattooing should improve your natural features, but it may not look precisely like conventional makeup.
  • Review Aftercare Instructions: Understand and commit to the aftercare instructions provided by the artist. Proper aftercare is crucial for the long-lasting results of the tattoo and healing.

faq Eyeliner Tattoo Gone Wrong

Winged eyeliner tattoo gone wrong: What to do?

If you find yourself with a winged eyeliner tattoo gone wrong, take immediate action by consulting an experienced cosmetic tattoo artist or a certified tattoo removal specialist. Seek their professional advice on possible solutions, such as cover-up procedures, tattoo modification, or laser tattoo removal. Follow aftercare instructions carefully to avoid complications and promote proper healing. Be realistic and patient about the process, as corrective measures may take time to yield the desired results. Trusting experts in the field is essential to addressing the problem effectively and restoring your confidence in your appearance.

What are the common issues with eyeliner tattoos gone wrong?

Common problems with eyeliner tattoos gone wrong include fading or discoloration, smudging or spreading, uneven or asymmetrical lines, wrong positioning, thick or exaggerated lines, allergic reactions, and challenging removal. It’s crucial to select a experienced and skilled tattoo artist to avoid such problems.

How to spot signs of an infected eyeliner tattoo gone wrong?

To spot signs of an infected eyeliner tattoo gone wrong, look for increased pain or tenderness, fever or chills, pus or discharge, swelling, warmth around the tattoo, an unusual smell and excessive redness. If you experience any of these signs, immediately seek medical attention to prevent complications.

Can a cover-up fix an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong?

In some cases, an experienced and skilled tattoo artist may be able to use a cover-up technique to correct an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong, but also it depends on the severity of the issue.

Are there any legal actions that can be taken if an eyeliner tattoo goes wrong?

Yes, legal actions can be pursued if an eyeliner tattoo goes wrong. If the tattoo artist is found has provided substandard services or negligent, the client may pursue a lawsuit. Legal actions may include pain and suffering, corrective procedures, emotional distress, medical expenses, and claims for damages. Consulting an injury attorney experienced in cosmetic tattoo cases can help assess the situation and determine the appropriate legal course of action.

Are there any warning signs of an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong?

Warning signs of an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong include warmth around the tattooed area, fever or chills, increased pain or tenderness, pus or discharge, swelling, an unusual smell and excessive redness. If any of these signs are present, immediately seek medical attention.

What are the psychological impact of an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong?

This can have a significant psychological impact on the individual. They may experience anxiety, self-consciousness, and feelings of embarrassment, due to the visible and permanent nature of the botched tattoo. It may affect their self-esteem and confidence, leading to emotional distress and a negative body image.

Can you fix an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong at home?

Is not recommended to fix an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong at home. It’s a specialized and delicate procedure that requires the expertise of a skilled professional. Attempting to fix it yourself can lead to risks of infection and further complications. Consult a professional and skilled tattoo artist or a medical expert for proper correction.

How to manage pain and discomfort after an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong?

After an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong, manage pain and discomfort by applying cool compresses, avoiding makeup and sunlight, avoiding rubbing or touching, keeping the area clean, and seeking advice from a professional for proper assessment and treatment. Follow provided aftercare instructions for optimal healing.


Eyeliner tattooing can be a convenient and transformative cosmetic procedure, but there is a risk of the tattoo going wrong if not performed by a experienced and qualified artist.

If you find yourself with an eyeliner tattoo gone wrong, it’s very important to consult with the original artist or seek advice from another trained and experienced professional.

Be patient during the healing process and explore potential solutions, such as tattoo removal or corrective tattooing.

Before undergoing the procedure, take precautionary measures by researching artists, asking required questions, and understanding the aftercare requirements. With proper care and consideration, you can increase the likelihood of a satisfying and successful eyeliner tattoo experience.